Trends - Page 2

Stay on top of the latest design trends, see what’s popular, and learn how to create design work that feels modern, current, and up-to-date.

15+ New & Modern Color Trends 2024

Trends / 8 Dec 2023

15+ New & Modern Color Trends 2024

Color is the main component of every design. Even though it may seem like colors always remain the same, it’s actually something that is ever-changing. And as a result, it makes way for new color trends every year.

If you’re preparing to start a new design project, staying up-to-date on the latest trends is important. It’s the key to making your designs relevant and appealing to the current audiences.

Today we take a look at some breakout color trends that will keep your graphic elements looking fresh. Rather than just talking about different trends, we wanted to go deeper. So we found real-life examples to show how each trend is being used by different industries.

What kind of color trends will be popular this year? Will there be new trends in color schemes? Or would any old trends make a comeback? Here are our predictions.

20+ Video Marketing Trends for 2024

Trends / 5 Dec 2023

20+ Video Marketing Trends for 2024

Almost every marketing prediction, resource, or how-to guide includes the same advice: video needs to be part of your strategy. But what type of video marketing is most important right now?

From super-short (micro) video clips, to live video on social media, to full-production ads and stories, we’re going to look at some of the top video marketing trends for the year and how you can incorporate them into your design and marketing plans.

And here’s why it matters, U.S. adults spent 149 minutes per day watching digital video in 2021 and that number is only expected to rise.

Let’s dive in, and embrace video as the new marketing channel you need to get right!

25+ Key Logo Design Trends of 2024

How to Design a Logo / 8 Nov 2023

25+ Key Logo Design Trends of 2024

Need a new logo? Whether you’re starting from scratch or just planning a tweak to a current mark, understanding shifts in logo design trends can help you create a design with a modern touch.

The theme in logo design is to create something simple and distinctive. With so many new websites and brands and companies coming online almost every day, it’s no wonder that logos are trending toward designs that stand out.

Here’s a look at a few logo design trends, and how you can make them work for you (and while you’re at it, be sure to look through our full guide on how to design a logo!)

24+ Top Graphic Design Trends for 2024

Trends / 24 Oct 2023

24+ Top Graphic Design Trends for 2024

What’s hot in graphic design? One of the things people always want to talk to me about is graphic design trends. Here’s a preview of what’s going to be hot in the coming year.

It’s such an interesting topic because there are trends that change slowly over time – just look at the long evolution of flat design to where we are now – and others that seem to flip overnight.

Should you always rush to use the latest graphic design trends in your work? Of course not. But it’s helpful to pick up new ideas, find inspiration, and see what types of techniques and styles are shaping our industry.

20+ Web Design Trends to Watch in 2024

Trends / 18 Oct 2023

20+ Web Design Trends to Watch in 2024

The average life of a website is three years. And design elements – such as color and typography – often get updated more frequently than that. That’s why it is so important to keep up with web design trends.

Doing this allows you to make small tweaks to your design today so that it won’t be out of date tomorrow.

This guide will help you create an on-point design plan all year long, incorporating some of the best trends for 2024.

Icon Design in 2024: The Key Trends

Trends / 12 Sep 2023

Icon Design in 2024: The Key Trends

Icons might be one of the most important – and underrated – examples of design in your portfolio. Here’s a look at icon design with some inspiring examples.

Icon elements are shown almost everywhere, but sometimes get produced as an afterthought. That shouldn’t be the case. Great icon design can be distinctive and add finesse and flair to a project.

Let’s take a look at what’s new, and what’s hot in icon design!

What Happened to Readability? the New Age of Funky Designs

Trends / 7 Aug 2023

What Happened to Readability? the New Age of Funky Designs

Sometimes a website design trend comes around that just makes you want to pull your hair out. This is one of those trends – beautiful and funky designs with practically unreadable text. (Why would you put text there if you can’t be expected to read it?)

Now that may be a bit of an exaggeration because in most instances you can figure out what the text is supposed to say. But it’s not easy. And the user has to think. Will people stick around to figure out the design?

Let’s take a look at a few different examples of ways designs are “forgetting” about readability.

Design Trend: Zig-Zag Patterns and Alignments (Where Is the Grid?)

Trends / 31 Jul 2023

Design Trend: Zig-Zag Patterns and Alignments (Where Is the Grid?)

Smaller images, animation, and plenty of wild patterns are what you’ll find in this website design trend that’s popping up all over the place.

Without a clear thing to call it, you’ll know this trend when you see it thanks to zig-zag patterns and alignments for photos and the seeming lack of a grid.

Here, we’ll dive into this design trend and look at some ways you can use it and examples that really showcase how nice these designs can look.

The Bento-Style Rounded Corner Trend: Explored & Explained

Trends / 24 Jul 2023

The Bento-Style Rounded Corner Trend: Explored & Explained

Softer, rounded corners are one of the biggest trends in website design right now. This bento style is visually pleasing, easy to accomplish, and takes some of the sharpness out of your design.

There are also plenty of different ways to use this trend so that your projects have a distinct look and feel.

Here, we’ll explore the bento-style rounded corner design trend and all the ways you can make it work for you. Plus, there are plenty of examples for design inspiration.

Design Trend: Cartoon Elements for Design Themes

Trends / 23 Jun 2023

Design Trend: Cartoon Elements for Design Themes

If you have noticed more cartoon-style design elements lately, you aren’t alone. Quite a few projects are using design themes that feature cartoon elements, making this a trending design style.

There are plenty of ways to use the trend, from a full cartoon aesthetic to smaller elements throughout the design.

In this guide, we will dissect the different ways cartoon elements can be integrated into designs, demonstrating their versatility.

Whether you’re just dipping your toes into this trend or planning to plunge headfirst, we aim to fuel your creativity with practical insights and stimulating examples.

Design Trend: Sticker-Style Icons and Emojis

Trends / 12 Jun 2023

Design Trend: Sticker-Style Icons and Emojis

Website design with a hint of nostalgia. That’s what you get from the latest design trend that makes you think of childhood with sticker-style elements, including icons and emojis, that add a little something extra to projects.

This design style is popping up everywhere and includes everything from a full design theme to smaller elements sprinkled throughout.

What’s great is that for a certain demographic, this look has a feel that’s a distinct throwback to the sticker books we had as kids, making this design trend interesting and engaging.

Here’s a look at everything you need to know about the sticker design trend.

Design Trend: AI-“Models” in Images or Hero Areas

Trends / 5 Jun 2023

Design Trend: AI-“Models” in Images or Hero Areas

Can you spot AI-inspired imagery when you see it?

There’s a trend in website design projects with hero images that feature models who maybe aren’t quite human. But then again, maybe they are.

The line between reality and artificially created images is beginning to get blurred all the time. In many projects, there is a look and feel that’s supposed to contain an element of AI.

Here’s a look at that website design trend.